November 19, 2015

Don't Create Your Own Problems, Be Self-Aware For Social Solutions:

Usually, this situation can come from lack of knowledge on something specific. In any form of social relations, I don’t think anyone should be negatively criticized for simply making a mistake or two, but it’s definitely behooves that person to self-examine to make sure they are not creating their own issues and blaming others for it – thus creating your own problems.

One of the best sources of this to identify is how sometimes, these self-created problems interactively stem from superimposing the negativity of people from the past on to new people of your present day, especially when you’re obviously looking for the opposite – the positivity. This is a dynamic that we all of a certain age can be guilty of when certain behavior patterns are recognized in others around us, especially if it’s related to something relatively difficult or traumatic in times past (whether in childhood, the workplace, and the like). So techniques must be employed, not only to address people  doing something that could become an issue to nip in the bud, but also initially to not cast judgments so quickly where they don’t belong, as far as a person assumed to be one who’d create a problematic situation.

This type of thing is more understood once you take steps to upgrade yourself in necessary ways that will minimize what you do erroneous, unskillful – or whatever it is that’s causing social interactive conflicts. At that point, because so much is eliminated from your actions that are incorrect, you’ll see good results, including others’ positive reactions from them.

Another form of this can be seen with imposed social groups in modern-day society; the archetypal or stereotypical ones you can find in high school and college cultures, for some instances. There are more tribal-historical resource-based reasons for people to conflict or ‘beef’ with each other, but many today can be more-so fabricated by social media or television influences than they actually viably exist.

Ultimately, this is about enhancing your self-awareness for social-Awareness, but not about attempting to ever be, ‘holier-than-thou’ or any other such similar nonsense because of this enhancement. Identifying with solution-oriented thoughts as a contingency or modality will counteract self-created problems so that more considerable issues that arise in life can be focused on, and also solved accordingly. 

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