April 22, 2016

Work Ethic And Creative Ambition: Still Reaching ‘The’ Next Level Or Already There And Maintaining It?

Interestingly enough, I thought about this being in one of those situations where you come back in contact with an old buddy you haven’t seen in a while, and there’s the feeling of progression to speak on. Progressions in life overall or specific, and that hasn’t been seen on previous meetings. It feels instinctive for me to say, to put it informally, “Man, I’m on a whole ‘nother level”, especially in regards to your craft, hobby, or just general self-development.

Whatever it is being progressed or transformed, the point where you reach your next level and that is considered ‘the’ level, I feel you have to check yourself from continuing to say it or think it at that point, as natural as it may seem. This is in any situation of discussion, not just scenarios of running back into people you haven’t seen in a while. It takes a moment to calm your brain down to recognize that you are maintaining what you’re attained from progression, and refining it.

Thus, because various transitions makes it internally feel as if they will be continuous – especially in the context of a social entrepreneurial mentality – it brings up a central question, maybe most key in this: is there a ‘final’ stage of progression or it is to be felt throughout a lifetime? This isn’t meaning age and biological progression, more so mental, skill and career related ones. When hitting certain plateaus, it feels like you’re right where you wanted to be, but can you ever really know until you lived out the rest of your prominent years? Maybe a conundrum at best right now if any one doesn’t feel like they fully fall on one side or the other.

Dealing with the present day understanding, there most definitely has to be some type of limiting and managing of where you’re at in your proficiency. This brings it back around to the central point: whether you’re actually maintaining a thorough position or whether you’re constantly going to higher plains in life, let people know when they are returners and newbies to you, that there has been progression in some form or fashion. While remembering this should be someone who can respect that – not that you could control another person’s thoughts, but this shouldn’t be somebody that’d be envious of your successful strivings – this makes for conversation as well as the fact of being beyond old paradigms in general. 

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