April 23, 2016

Quick Thoughts On Earth Day - Should Be A Mentality Every Day

Having an environmental sensibility has been something in me since I was a child, not even something taught thoroughly or by having some extensive eco-touring experiences or wildlife encounters. Though these things are more in my intentions today, when Earth Day comes around, I wonder about how alternative and sustainable people actually want to be, versus symbolic victories, gestures, or corporate schemes for profit. 

No doubt… as intended by posting this after Earth Day, every day, should be a ‘Earth Day’ – or more simply, a mentality and actions that shows respect or reverence for the planet itself (among the celestial bodies like the Sun) that we exist on and that's keeping us alive.  I'll address the actual environmental challenges we face at later date, but the principles for Ecological Economics are clear for implementing whenever people, locally and en masse, are ready for it.

To wrap up, there doesn’t have to be a pessimistic view of that holiday, as it can be an easy way to spread environmental awareness. Also, one of the best parts of for me, regarding alternative energy specifically, is that really smashes on the fatalist mentality, as economic pressure and scarcity would make a person of that ilk think we’re destined to die out quickly as a human culture, locking into “the world is ending” rants. So it’s fine to have a day that can counter that ignorance, even if some corporate models may just like at it as one day to Go Green for good publicity, because the education does get out authentically for people to practice green economics, take sustainable actions, look into technology that can make like convenient when it’s localized, and much more points that would make this post very long-winded than it already is.

The only thing is, that it doesn’t need to be treated like Xmas, or the year-end’s holiday season; people and the natural world need be in accordance and in symbiosis with one another, that’s the progression intended, not just symbolically on one day with festivals. Just that mentality even before action is a good deal.

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